The article deals with the Russian customers’ types with the specific features, peculiar to each type. General peculiarities, which represent modern Russian mentality and can be used to distinguish Russian customers from those of Europe and the USA, are considered too. These are, first of all, the large income-contrast between wealthy minority and poor majority of Russian population (there is a distinct stratification of Russian society), priority of material wellbeing and the lack of trust to advertising. These peculiarities are considered in the context of the marketing communication barriers, which occur in process of marketing message recognition by customers. There are five consequentially occurring barriers: attention; understanding; trusting; remembering and first actions. We analyze them in three aspects: 1) the influence of four factors, which characterize the marketing message, showing its quality and efficiency (these are form, contents, technical facilities and organization of the massage); 2) the influence of Russian customers’ peculiarities, which determine the smooth or hard coming of marketing message over this or that barrier of marketing communications; 3) making the set of marketing communication instruments, which could be most effective to overcome each barrier. As the result, we conclude that the stratification of Russian society into wealthy minority and poor majority is now the most actual peculiarity, which influence passing the four (of five) existing barriers and determines the set of marketing communication instruments for overcoming each of them.
Keywords: marketing communication complex, customer peculiarities, marketing communication barriers, attention, understanding, trusting, remembering, first actions
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Issue: 5, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 52 — 59
Downloads: 999