The developing biotechnologies give rise to the new phenomena of art and science – from Sci-Art to bioaesthetics. The scientific research part of this governed by bioethics. The perception of these works of art raises the question of predictability of the consequences of this act. For this purpose, it seems appropriate to conduct diagnostic semiotic limits of applicability of theories of perception based on the model of information-synergetic approach. The main theses and models of information- synergetic approach are chosen as bases for the classification of psychological theories of visual information perception. The article states some results of the RFBR project no. 14–06–00440; of RFH project no. 15–03–00598-а.
Keywords: visual information, perception of visual information, bioethics, synergetic, information-synergetic approach
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Issue: 5, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 118 — 122
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