The article deals with the historical foundations of the civil religion phenomenon migration from the European political space to the New World, its rooting there as an ideology of nation choosiness as well as the further development of the ideas of historical superiority over other peoples. The authors use as a source of USA documents the period of revolution: USA Declaration of Independence (1776), the work of "founding fathers" of the United States; treatises of J.-J. Rousseau, the speech of M. Robespierre, the Declaration of Independence of man and citizen (France, 1789). In the study of the evolution of civil religion used comparative historical analysis, aimed at comparing the ideological content of the objective political and economic conditions of people's lives. The authors conclude that the USA civil religion becomes ideology of hegemonization and unique guide to action in the policy.
Keywords: civil religion, human rights, globalization, ideology of superiority, hegemony
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Issue: 5, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 171 — 176
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