The article reviewes the problem of scientific selection of the content of teaching physics in the present conditions of training engineersof innovative type. Discusses development of motivation in students and innovative thinking as a means of execution of the target species of educational innovation activity of students. Gives the example of the modification of the known tasks performed independently by the students as a part of the project. On this basis, the concept of the educational potential of standard tasks is introdused. Educational potential is a combination of the resources for transformation of the tasks into the projects to produce important results. Gives the scheme of the Van der Graaf generator, developed by the students from improvised materials, discusses the results of a survey of students to find ou their attitude toward the project implementation activities. For example, we compare students' predictions to what they report before having seen the demonstration, discuss the answers both right after the demonstration and several weeks later.
Keywords: teaching physics, innovation thinking, motivation of students, problems in electrodynamics
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Issue: 5, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 224 — 228
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