The appeal to cultural traditions of the ancient world allows to understand a question of genesis of the European classical philosophy and to reveal features of the developing philosophical outlook. The central problem of research is the analysis to the mythological picture of the world which is the cornerstone of the Egyptian thinking that allows to create the idea of the developed concept of the person and the world at the time of Ancient Egypt. During research of the various empirical material opening the features of outlook in Ancient Egypt were applied the dialectic method promoting consideration of a thing in unity and a variety of its properties, the semiotics analysis and system approach allowing to consider outlook of Egyptians as some integrity, open for changes. As a result of generalization of archaeological and ethnographic material of the Ancient world, conclusions that specifics of outlook of Ancient Egypt is the hedonism were drawn, symbolism as principle of outlook, development of specific system of social ideals, formation of idea of the value of the personality as spiritual identity, statement of a cult fine (informal).
Keywords: prephilosophy, mythological worldview, image of the world, symbol creation, language, art, culture
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Issue: 5, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 205 — 210
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