The problem of ethical education of primary school children has been especially keen in native pedagogics and psychology recently. The paper presents the basis of the research, its methods and techniques, the criteria of ethic education, the detailed description of the empirical work and the results of the study aimed at investigating the features of ethic education of primary school children. It defines the reasons of differences of ideas, concerning moral samples, which a child of primary school age should adapt to. It concludes that it is impossible to mix the primary school children’s deeds with immoral acts; the deeds should be controlled and explained to avoid their further repetition and to lower the possibility of their development into immoral acts. The material, presented in the article, can be useful to teachers, psychologists, parents and other people, who work with children of primary school age, as well as to university professors in conducting lectures and seminars with students, students of faculties of professional development and professional retraining.
Keywords: immoral act, charity, relationships, age, harmonious development, humane way of life, spiritual consciousness, spirituality, spiritual guidance, spiritual values, life situations, intellectual abilities, younger school age, moral rebirth, moral behavior,
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Issue: 6, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 21 — 24
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