The article considers the relationship between children’s experience, the type of attachment and self-attitudes of women with children of younger adolescence. Describes the types of affection of women-mothers. Considers the differences in the life experiences of children of women with different type of attachment. Identified the percentage of women with different types of attachment. Describes the relationship of child life experience of women, the type of attachment and self-attitude. There was found interconnection between the completeness of the family now, type of attachment, self-attitudes and various children’s life experience. Types of attachment: autonomous-secure 62 %; dismissing 12 %; preoccupied 26 %. Preoccupied type of affection of women has a negative correlation with the number of positive self-descriptions. Dismissing type of attachment has only a negative correlation with the fullness of the family in childhood, the fullness of the family now, the relationship with his mother and father in childhood.
Keywords: attachment, type of attachment, the self-attitudes of women as mothers
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Issue: 6, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 63 — 66
Downloads: 854