The article deals with informational waves as a new notion of up-to-date informational and media paradigm. We picked out some types of informational waves, such as strong and weak in accordance with degree and force of influence on society; long and short according to duration of social interest to informational occasion, which stimulates informational waves. In accordance with form and character of informational waves’ spreading (peculiarities of their components’ realization in global communicative sphere) we distinguish such types of informational waves as cumulative resonance; cascade; funnel; prism. We described peculiarities of every type. The suggested author’s theory of informational waves reflects existing system of communication in media sphere, defines up-to-date period of media existence; explains objective laws of the existence of information events; reflects that mass media and Internet as a channel and field of communication influence person’s mind and society.
Keywords: media discourse, informational waves, informational echo, types of informational waves
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Issue: 6, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 102 — 106
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