The aim of this article is to apply the question patterns classification commonly accepted in Russian grammar to the texts of Russian advertisements. Since advertisements are to establish contact with the target audience and to motivate it to follow the subtle instructions of the copywriter, questions are very useful for this purpose, thus they are so common in ads. This article gives an overview of the most widespread types of patterns such as affirmativeinterrogative (implying a short/full answer), imperative-interrogative and rhetorical-interrogative ones. Moreover, the article focuses on some specific structural and grammar features of question patterns found in Russian ads such as the choice of tense and aspect forms of the verb, the type of pronouns used, typical grammar structures, etc.
Keywords: advertisement, question, question pattern, implicit/explicit question, rhetorical question, ellipsis
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Issue: 6, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 113 — 117
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