This article analyses the russian emigre poet Nicolay Otsup’s poems. In his emigre works death becomes the main motif. The 1930th Otsup’s works reflect the spiritual crisis of emigration, the hard search for God and His essence. Otsup borrows a lot from G. Ivanov and G. Adamovich, and at the same time his poems are deeply individual. Poet’s existential sufferings have religious connotations and thus lack the last feeling of despair. The 1930th works contain incipiency to religious notion, that is characteristic of his 1940th–50th years’ works. The poets’s route from “the philosophy of tragedy” to “philosophy of hope” explains his postwar fate and Otsup’s creative works, poet explains the sufferings, on the verge of the disaster he finds love of life.
Keywords: Russian emigre Literature, lyrics of N. Otsup, motif of death and existentialism
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Issue: 6, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 190 — 196
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