The article is devoted to the professional pedagogical and scientific work of the Honored cultural worker, Doctor of Philology Professor Valentina Yegorovna Golovchiner. We present the main areas of her work (theory and history of drama, history of Russian literature of 20th century). We reviewed the most important papers in the sphere of study of epic drama in Russian literature of 20th century; cover the research of the works of Alexander Pushkin, Maxim Gorky, Vladimir MayakovskiY, Yevgeny Shvarts, Nikolay Erdman and others. Also we bring out the articles on topical theoretical problems of contemporary study of literature. We mention the merits in the area of theatre critics and also the merits during the many years of teaching at the Tomsk State Pedagogical University. The authors of the article express their thanks the Professor for fruitful collaboration, guidance and friendly attitude to the colleagues and students.
Keywords: anniversary, Doctor of Philology Professor Valentina Yegorovna Golovchiner, theatre critic, scientific works
1. Golovchiner V. E. Epicheskiy teatr Evgeniya Shvartsa [Epic Theater by Yevgeniy Shvarts]. Tomsk, TGPU Publ., 2007. 320 p. (in Russian).
2. Golovchiner V. E. Epicheskaya drama v russkoy literature ХХ veka. 2-e izd., ispr., dop. [Epic drama in Russian literature of the XX century]. 2nd edition, revised and corrected. Tomsk, TGPU Publ., 2007. P. 320 (in Russian).
3. Golovchiner V. E. Drama est’ deystviye (kategorii dramy v sovremennom literaturovedenii) [Drama is action (drama category in modern literary studies)]. II Mezhdunarodnyy simpozium “Literatura – teatr – obshchestvo”: Zbornik nauchnykh trudovv 2 t. T.2 [II international theatrical Symposium “Literature – Theatre – Society”. Collection of scientifi c works in 2 volumes. V. 2]. Kherson, 2007. P. 232 (in Russian).
4. Golovchiner V. E. Komicheskoye, komediynoye, smekhovoye (“Dni Turbinykh”, “Mandat” N. Erdmana) [Comedy, comic and humor issues (“Days of the Turbiny” by Mikhail Bulgakov, “The Mandate” by N. Erdman)]. Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta – TSPU Bulletin, 2011, vol. 7 (109), pp. 47–58 (in Russian).
5. Golovchiner V. E., Rusanova O. N. K probleme uslovnosti v literature (stat’ya pervaya: k istorii voprosa) [About the problem of convention in literature (the fi rst article: history of the question)]. Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta – TSPU Bulletin, 2014, vol. 11 (152), pp. 9–15 (in Russian).
6. Golovchiner V. E. Vizual’nyy potentsial dramaticheskogo teksta (opyt N. Erdmana v p’ese «Mandat») [Visual potential of the dramatic text (experience of N. Erdman in the play “The Warrant”)]. Drama i teatr. Vyp. VI. Sbornik nauchnyh trudov [Drama and theatre. Issue VI. Collection of scientifi c works]. Tver, TGU Publ., 2007. Рp. 7–23 (in Russian).
7. Golovchiner V. E., Rusanova, O. N. Avtorskaya model’ khudozhestvennogo teksta kak sintez zhanrovykh vozmozhnostey roda literatury [Author model of literary text as a synthesis of the expressive possibilities of the kind of literature]. Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta – TSPU Bulletin, 2014, vol. 7 (148), pp. 178–185 (in Russian).
8. Golovchiner V. E. K probleme ponyatiya “kul’turnaya model’”. Sistemy i modeli v literaturovedenii (razmyshleniya na zadannuyu temu) [To the problem of the concept of “cultural model”. Systems and models of literary studies (refl ections on a given topic)]. Transformatsiya i funktsionirovaniye kul’turnykh modeley v russkoy literature: materialy Tret’ey Vserossiyskoy nauchnoy konferentsii s mezhdunarodnym uchastiem [Transformation and functioning of cultural in Russian literature: proceeding of the Third All-Russian scientifi c. conf. with international participation]. Tomsk, TGPU Publ., 2008. Pp. 3–11 (in Russian).
9. Korol’kova Ya. V. Kul’turnaya model’ oborotnichestva v romanakh-fentezi M. Semenovoy o volkodave [Cultural model of lycanthropy in fantasy novels about wolfhound by M. Semenova]. Filologicheskiye nauki. Voprosy teorii i praktiki – Philology. Theory and practice, 2013, no. 11-1 (29), pp. 87–89 (in Russian).
10. Izmest’eva K. V. Transformatsiya skazochnykh motivov v p’ese L. Filatova “Pro Fedota-strel’tsa, udalogo molodtsa” [Transformation of the fairytale motifs in the play of L. Filatov “About Fedot-shooter, daring good fellow”]. Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta – TSPU Bulletin, 2014, vol. 7 (148), pp. 204–210 (in Russian).
11. Rusanova O. N. Motivnyy kompleks kak sposob organizatsii epicheskoy dramy (na materiale p’es E. Shvartsa “Ten” i “Drakon”). Diss. kand. fi lol. nauk [Motive complex as a way of organizing of epic drama (based on the plays by Yevgeniy Shvarts “The Shadow” and “The Dragon”). Diss. cand. philil. sci.]. Novosibirsk, 2006. P. 199 (in Russian).
12. Golovchiner V. E. A. S. Pushkin o reforme dramy [A. S. Pushkin on reform of drama]. Tekst – kommentariy – interpretatsiya [Text – kommentary – interpretation]. Novosibirsk, NPGU Publ., 2008. Pp. 50–58 (in Russian).
13. Chirkov A. S. Epicheskaya drama (Problemy teorii i poyetiki) [Epic drama (Problems of theory and poetics)]. Kiev, Visshaya shkola Publ., 1988. 159 p. (in Russian).
14. Golovchiner V. E. Otkrytiya M. Gor’kogo v kontekste dramaturgicheskikh iskaniy epokhi. K 100-letiyu sozdaniya p’esy “Na dne” [M. Gorky’s Inventions in the Context of Dramaturgic Searches of the Epoch]. Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta – TSPU Bulletin, 2004, vol. 3, pp. 20–26 (in Russian).
15. Golovchiner V. E. V spore rozhdaetsya… (Mayakovskiy i Bulgakov) [“Sprout in discussion…” (about the V. Mayakovsky and M. Bulgakov’ dramatic approaches)]. Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta – TSPU Bulletin, 1999, vol. 6 (15), pp. 41–48 (in Russian).
16. Golovchiner V. E. Transformatsiya motiva dogovora cheloveka s d’yavolom v p’esakh Erdmana 1920-h godov [Transformation of the motive ‘the agreement of man with the devil’ in the Erdman’s plays 1920s]. Transformatsiya i funktsionirovaniye kul’turnykh modeley v russkoy literature: materialy Tret’ey Vserossiyskoy nauchnoy konferentsii s mezhdunarodnym uchastiyem [Transformation and functioning of cultural models in Russian literature: proceeding of the Third All-Russian scientifi c. conf. with international participation]. Tomsk, TGPU Publ., 2005. Pp. 118–128 (in Russian).
17. Golovchiner V. E. “Chuzhoy syuzhet» v p’ese E.Shvartsa “Golyy korol’” [“Borrowed plot” in the play by Yevgeniy Shvarts “The Naked King”]. Sbornik trudov molodykh uchenykh [Proceedings of the young scientists]. Vol. III. Tomsk, TGU Publ., 1975. Pp. (in Russian).
18. Golovchiner V. E. Funktsii protosyuzheta v russkoy drame ХХ veka [Functions of protecorate in Russian drama of the twentieth century]. Sibirskiy fi lologicheskiy zhurnal – Siberian philological journal, 2010, no. 1, pp. 12–18 (in Russian).
19. Golovchiner V. E. “Obyknovennoye chudo” v tvorcheskikh iskaniyakh E.Shvartsa [“Ordinary miracle” in creative quest by E. Shvarts]. Drama i teatr. Vyp. VI. Sbornik nauchnykh trudov [Drama and theatre. Vol. IV. Collection of scientifi c works]. Tver, TGU Publ., 2002. Pp. 172–188 (in Russian).
20. Mass V. Z., Erdman N. R. Prekrasnaya Elena [Helen of Troy]. Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta – TSPU Bulletin, 2014, vol. 7 (109), pp. 200–245 (in Russian).
21. Golovchiner V. E., Freedman J. Transformatsii “Muzykal’nogo magazina” V. Massa i N. Erdmana [Transformation of the “Music store” by V. Mass and N. Erdman]. Transformatsiya i funktsionirovaniye kul’turnykh modeley v russkoy literature: Materialy III Vserossiyskoy s mezhdunarodnym uchastiem nauchnoy konferentsii (7–8 fevr. 2008 g.) [Transformation and functioning of cultural models in Russian literature: proceeding of the Third All-Russian scientifi c. conf. with international participation]. Tomsk, TGPU Publ., 2008. Pp. 305–318 (in Russian).
22. Golovchiner V. E. “Prekrasnaya Elena”: problema identifi katsii “leningradskogo” teksta V. Massa i N. Erdmana [Helen of Troy: Problem of Identifi cation of «Leningrad Text» by Vladimir Mass and Nikolay Erdman]. Teatron, 2013, no. 1 (11), pp. 43–52 (in Russian).
23. Leyderman N. L., Lipovetsky M. N. Russkaya literatura XX veka: 1930-e – seredina 1950-kh godov: ucheb. posobiye dlya stud. uchrezhdeniy vyssh. obrazovaniya: v 2 tomakh [Modern Russian Literature: 1930–1950 year: textbook for university students: in 2 books]. Moscow, Akademiya Publ., 2014 (in Russian).
Issue: 6, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 237 — 243
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