The article considers the possibility of using the heuristic method of experiment in linguistics, based on the testimony of informants of linguistic consciousness. On the example of the linguistic experiment carried-out by the author on material of the poem of M. I. Tsvetaeva “Safe and sound!” with participation of more than 60 informants of different age and occupation is clearly demonstrated the potential of this method in studying of the effect of the deceived expectation as regulatory dominant of the poem, significant for cognitive activity of readers. The author consistently described the stages of which the linguistic experiment consisted, proposed and analysed the data obtained in the form of answers of informants to the questions posed and the offered tasks, illustrating regulatory opportunities of the deceived expectation as the basic type of promotion in the general semantic expansion of the studied poetic text as communication forms.
Keywords: experimental method, regulatory function of the text, regulatory capacity, regulatory dominant, deceived expectations
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Issue: 6, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 133 — 137
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