The study characterizes modern methods of reflexive training in higher school education. The results of the conducted empirical study on using cinquain in training in higher school education are presented here. The list of competences which depend on development of reflective abilities of students was selected from the federal state educational standard of higher education in the direction of preparation “Special (defectological) education”. The work identifies the deficits of the reflexive development of students on the basis of cinquain as control-evaluative tool for implementation of assessment and self-assessment of mastered professional knowledge, skills and competencies at different stages of the studying of section of the academic discipline. The paper reveals possibilities of organization of reflexive activity of future defectology bachelors at speech therapy class. The study shows the features of using of cinquain as the main teaching method allowing you to activate the mechanism of reflexion in the context of professional pedagogical studying.
Keywords: competency approach, reflexive methods, reflexive abilities of students, cinquain, professional pedagogical thinking, professional activity of bachelors-defectologists
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Issue: 6, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 9 — 16
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