Relying on the G. P. Melnikov's idea that language universals can be identified on the basis of the determinant as the primary mechanism of language systems, as well as on the experience of revealing communicative universals in literary texts, the author identified the media communicative universals considering the mass media as a special subsystem of verbal communication. The media communicative universals are interpreted as laws and related operating principles of structuring media texts that reflect a media event as an element of media communication and meet the criteria of frequency and repeatability with possible genre, idiostyle and other variations within the limits of a certain invariant. The media communicative universals were identified with regard to such factors as content, form and functions of text activity in mass media.
Keywords: communicative stylistics of text, mass media, media event, media communicative universals, laws and principles of text activity in mass media
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Issue: 9, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 9
Pages: 19 — 27
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