Under conditions of up-to-date informational society, strengthening of the role of Internet and new computer technologies in our life a special role belongs to the analysis of the structure of modern media communication from the point of view of its field system, which allows to find out its principal and peripheral elements and to define the process of media communication. The article points to description of informational fields of different types from linguistic position. The author defined and examined informational fields of global network, mass media, informational and media personality and text. Media communication is presented as a continuously developing multilayer supercomlex structure of informational fields of different types, which forms hypertextual space. A special attention is paid to informational field of journalist’s language personality. In view of the information fields of the journalists’ language personality according to the types to their functions and communicative effect are detected: 1) mediator, moderator, amuser; 2) leading, driven. Detemines the connection of the information field of the language person with its idiostile.
Keywords: media communication, informational fields of global network, mass media, informational and media personality, text, informational and media journalist’s personality, idiostyle
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Issue: 9, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 9
Pages: 28 — 33
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