An experiment, which was conducted in order to identify the features of perception of individual media discourse of a presenter of author’s programs “News of the Week” and “Parfenov” was described. The programs were compared in terms of format, the image of the presenter, the persuasiveness, the target audience and others. The comparison is made on the basis of analysis and generalization of data, which were obtained in the form of answers-reactions of informants after viewing intros and fragments of programs “News of the Week” and “Parfenov”. The differences in the perception of the individual media discourse of TV journalists D. Kiselev and L. Parfenov the author connects primarily to the status of programs. Individual media discourse of the journalist Dmitry Kiselyov is charachterised by the general “peremptoriness” and “imposing”. The journalist follows the format and status of the program “Vesti Nedeli”, realizing his role in the information policy of the state. The individual media discourse of journalist L. Parfenov is characterized by a friendly dialogue. Herewith, using not typical trics for the news programs the journalist shocks the viewing audience and offers them to form an opinion independently.
Keywords: media discourse, individual media discourse of a TV journalist, communicative and pragmatic analysis, author’s TV program, experiment
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Issue: 9, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 9
Pages: 49 — 52
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