In this article the subject of comprehensive study of regional (local) history of the considerable region of Western Siberia – Priishimya from a position of economy, public administration, culture, sociology is touched. On the basis of the studying of a wide range of reference books of the pre-Soviet past and archival sources which are earlier not introduced into scientific circulation connection between emergence of the capitalist relations in the Russian Empire is established with their experience in the Siberian remote place. Work has interdisciplinary character, is written on a joint of history, sociology, economy, ethnography and covers cultural and community and economic preferences of peasants in one of the important directions of work – butter manufacture. The author traces formation of such phenomenon as collective butter manufacture which served one of the reasons of intensive stratification of rural society. Uniting in cooperatives and agricultural artels, peasants could improve the welfare, there was an opportunity to rise on a social ladder, to join cultural values of mankind (through education, opening of joint ventures with foreign businessmen, etc.). The practical importance of the received results of research consists in the use of new contemporary records and conclusions by drawing up scientific and methodical grants and editions, possibility of inclusion in information references of local history and public character, and also will allow to eliminate gaps in the social, historical, economic description of pre-revolutionary Siberia.
Keywords: Siberia, Priishimye, butter manufacture, peasantry
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Issue: 9, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 9
Pages: 167 — 172
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