The paper is devoted to one of unique artifacts of the Bronze Age – the mirror. These artifacts have been found in Tomsky and Elovsky II grave fields in the Tomsk Ob Region. The Elovsky II grave field contains 370 graves of the Andronovo and Elovo cultures, but mirrors have been found only in 12 graves. They belong to two groups: diskshaped and square mirrors. The paper analyzes the positions of mirrors in graves and persons to whom they were placed. As concluded, they were rarely placed to men, more often to women and children. In addition, the analysis of grave goods shows that children graves are especially rich in artifacts. This is typical of some burial grounds of the Bronze Age discovered in different areas. Mirrors had several functions: it was used as a fashion accessory, as an amulet, and as a symbol of belonging to elite and authority. Over a long period of time (the Bronze and Iron ages), mirrors had different functions in different areas and archaeological cultures.
Keywords: archaeology, archaeological culture, metal mirrors, ritual, magic, cult, human settlements, grave field
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Issue: 9, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 9
Pages: 241 — 246
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