This article contains critical analysis of Alexander Bogdanov’s scientific theories’ and political positions’ interpretation formulated by I. M. Velm and V. V. Alekseev in historical monography called “Stalinism”. Methodological and source-studying aspects of Velm's and Alekseev's views are considered in a context of world and Russian political mind of XXth century. Yu.V.Kupert and A. V. Lutsenko made analysis of extremely versatile proofs’ base which offered by I. M. Velm and V. V. Alekseev for acknowledgement of their research basic hypothesis about genetic relations between “social-organized experience (SOE) concept” with Alexander Bogdanov’s scientific and political views, on the one hand, and social and political practice of Stalin’s Soviet Union, on the other hand. I. M. Velm and V. V. Alekseev are thinking that the “SOE concept” is concentrating Bogdanov’s political philosophy and practice. This concept is based on the idea of allocation the special figure of personal organizer from the society. Organizer concentrates in his hands the power over all parties and branches of social life, including ideology. Velm and Alekseev are writing that organizer’s role in Soviet history was taken by Stalin whose political practice is presented in critically-publicistic style. The given feature of the sights statement of I. M. Velm and V. V. Alekseev is estimated by Yu.V.Kupert and A. V. Lutsenko from the scientific research methodology point of view and also from the source study analysis quality point of view. For this reason the special attention in the article is directed at the specific “additional sence method” used by I. M. Velm and V. V. Alekseev for original interpretation of Bogdanov’s views. Russian Marxist scientist and revolutionary is shown by Velm and Alekseev as “dark hero” who made for Stalin the totalitarian ideology on “SOE concept” base and who worked very hard for introducing this ideology into Soviet society life. For acknowledgement of this thesis I. M. Velm and V. V. Alekseev are broadly interpreting the involved materials (Bogdanov's texts, their critical analysis in works of V. I. Lenin and other contemporaries of the scientist), and they put in these used works their own sense which not always coincides with a position of primary sources authors. All materials of “Stalinism” are grouping not on their genetic relation, but on the basis of the emotionally-shaped associations, and it is methologically doubtful as attribute of belletristic literature, not of scientific research. Yu.V.Kupert and A. V. Lutsenko proved insufficient argumentation to position of I. M. Velm and V. V. Alekseev concerning communication between “SOE concept” and Bogdanov's scientific views.
Keywords: Alexander Bogdanov, tectology, Marxism, Stalinism, empiriomonism, Machism, ideology, social organization
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Issue: 9, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 9
Pages: 279 — 294
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