The image of Arkhangelsk given by I. Kazakov in his work “Northern Diary” is analyzed from the perspective of N. Antsiferov’s study of urban texts. The narrator is looking for a spirit of Arkhangelsk and it corresponds to Antsiferov’s classification of parts of any city: anatomy, physiology and spirit. Classical analysis of chronotope is used as well. Perception of the city by the author-narrator is regarded according to the soviet idea of building of a new society on the one hand and traditional mythopoetics of Russian Literature on the other hand. As well as interaction of production sketch of the Soviet Literature and the unique artistic point of view of Yuriy Kazakov is analyzaed.
Keywords: urban text, supertext, soviet literature
1. Galimova E. S. Khudozhestvennyy mir Yuriya Kazakova [Imaginative world by Yuriy Kazakov]. Arkhangelsk, Izdatel’stvo Pomorskogo gos. ped. un-ta Publ., 1992. 197 p. (in Russian).
2. Kazakov I. P. Severny Dnevnik [Northern Diary]. Moscow, Sov. Rossiya Publ., 1973. 368 p. (in Russian).
3. Shergin B. V. Moyo upovaniye v krasote Rusy. Dnevniky 1942–1968 gg. [My recumbency on Russian beauty. Diares of 1942–1968]. Republication from “Moscow” journal, 1994, no. 3, 4, 5. Collector I. M. Shulman (in Russian).
4. Antsyferov N. P. Problemy urbanizma v russkoy khudozhestvennoy literature. Opyt postroyeniya obraza goroda – Peterburga Dostoyevskogo – na osnove analiza literaturnykh traditsiy [Problems of urbanizm in Russian fi ction literature. Experience of city’s image constraction – Petersburg’s by Dostoyevskiy – based on literary traditions analysis]. Collection, text preparing, afterword by D. S. Moskovskaya. Moscow, IMLI im. A. M. Gor’kiy RAN Publ., 2009. 584 p. (in Russian).
5. Nikitina M. V. Khudozhestvennoye prostranstvo “Severnogo dnevnika” Yu. P. Kazakova [Imaginative space of “Northern Diary” by I. P. Kazakov]. Severnyy tekst russkoy literatury: sbornik [Northern text of Russian literature: collection]. Issue 1. Collector E. S. Galimova. Arkhangelsk, Pomorskiy universitet Publ., 2009. 196 p. (in Russian).
Issue: 10, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 10
Pages: 190 — 194
Downloads: 988