The article presents the data obtained during studying of features of attention of employees, the providing the state protection (PSP). By means of Hardware and Software Psychodiagnostic Complex (HSPC) “Multipsikhometr” we studied the features of stability of attention of employees of PSP and Department of Internal Affairs. Stability of attention was investigated with the help of technique of readiness for the emergency action (REA). We analysed the following indicators: efficiency, latency of reaction, accuracy, stability. In the study it was found that latency of reaction and indicators of the volume of physical activity have no statistically significant intergroup distinctions while in experimental group (PSP) indicators “efficiency” and “stability” are statistically more significant than the results of the control group. It is possible to assume that the processes of attention of PSP employees (readiness for the emergency action) proceed more effectively than those of the ordinary staff of Department of Internal Affairs. Most likely, the formation of the identity of employees of PSP are influenced by some factors: professional activity in the conditions of extreme situations which create difficulties in the solution of professional tasks, affect success of actions and demand high professional stability from employees, special psychological readiness, ability to work harmoniously in special conditions.
Keywords: attention, personal protection, staff, providing state protection
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Issue: 11, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 11
Pages: 72 — 76
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