The research project deals with the analysis and description of the axiology of the academic medical discourse in the English language. In relation to our research the concept ‘academic medical discourse’ consists in the following: this type of discourse is scientific communication the aim of which is the concept of detailed transfer of information steps (on the corresponding subject: diagnostics, treatment and recommendation) which needs to be reported, analyzed and discussed for acceptance of the main results. Some examples from the texts of academic medical discourse containing the phraseological units representing opposition ‘good –evil’ have been shown. In this paper research is conducted on the material of contexts of the journal of the American medical association and medical journal of New England. As a result, the concept ‘academic medical discourse’ is considered as scientific communication the aim of which is the concept of detailed transfer of information steps on estimated strategy of diagnostics, treatments and recommendations (see: strategy of all dangers, services of a hospice, correlation of the bill, “grapevine”), exposed to discussion for acceptance of the main results. The analysis of the examples from the texts of academic medical discourse contains phraseological units representing opposition ‘good –evil’. It is claimed that the evaluation presented in the opposition form “good – evil” can be correlated to the use of phraseological units being one of the ways of expression of a positive/negative evaluation in the contexts of academic medical discourse of different linguocultural communities.
Keywords: academic medical discourse, phraseological unit, components of evaluation, evaluation strategies
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Issue: 2, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 9 — 15
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