The paper is devoted to the issue of synonymy in terminology. Authors reveal the meaning of the notion “terminological synonymy”. They turn attention to the generalization of theories related to principles of synonymy in terminology. It’s known that there are different points of view on the existence of term-synonyms. In the paper such items as “synonym”, “doublet”, “variant” are analyzed by different linguists. Through the example of landscape study peculiarities of usage of synonyms in the Russian and German languages are shown to nominate different fragments of the linguistic world-image. Polylexical relations inside terminological systems are becoming more and more popular nowadays, and landscape study proves this fact. It should be emphasized that earlier such relations were considered as unacceptable.
Keywords: synonymy, terminology, absolute synonym, doublet, variation, variants, terminology of landscape study
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Issue: 2, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 55 — 60
Downloads: 980