The urgency and necessity of the study of ethno-cultural aspects of the Tatar personal names is caused by the fact that so far in Tatar anthroponymics mainly historical and linguistic problems of personal names have been studied, while the fundamental factor in the formation and functioning of the national system is ethnocultural. The purpose of this work is to define the ethno-cultural space of the names – wishes category in the Tatar anthroponyms. As a result, the study of personal names in ethno-cultural aspect shows that personal names are nationally marked language formation. Cultural and historical associations, ethnic and cultural connotations of personal names-wishes are generated by many extra-linguistic factors. The study of ethno-cultural space of names category shows that the peculiarities of the national antroponimikon are culturally conditioned.
Keywords: ethno-cultural space, names-wishes, the Tatar anthroponimics, ethno-cultural factor, connotations
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Issue: 2, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 72 — 75
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