Proper names are language universals that exist in every language of the world. In this article we would like to analyze the proper names (artionyms) on the example of the names of French impressionists’ paintings. The purpose of this article is to compare a group of French and Russian artionyms and to find language and cultural tendencies appeared during their translation from one language into another. Artionym is a complex of different categories of proper names which have the denotation in mental, ideological and artistic sphere of human activity. Artionym is a complex of linguistic and cultural factors. The linguistic secularities connected with the fact that during the nomination of an art work the author uses special constructions (lexical, grammar) characteristic for a special language. The cultural aspect of an artionym is that the nomination, in our case of a painting, happens according to cultural and time peculiarities of a certain epoch.
Keywords: proper name, artionym, nomination, painting, painting’s name, impressionists, translation
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Issue: 2, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 81 — 86
Downloads: 936