The article presents an overview of rationales for euphemisms usage. We consider the problem from the point of psycholinguistics, social psychology, evolutionary biology and ethology. Biological researchers believe that a need for euphemisms could be one of the earliest linguistic imperatives imposed by disgust, thus euphemisms present a verbal hygiene strategy. Psychologists state that it is a distancing strategy, a means to manage human terror at the prospect of death. The article also considers the central role of politeness and cooperation principle in euphemistic and off-record indirect speech generation. From the perspective of the theory of strategic speaker indirect communication does not always involve pure cooperation between speaker and hearer but a mixture of cooperation and conflict and euphemising can be used to negotiate this uncertainty. Therefore, euphemism as a form of indirect proposition can allow for plausible deniability and has a strategic rationale.
Keywords: euphemism, indirect speech, instinct, theory of strategic speaker, principle of cooperation, politeness
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Issue: 3, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 15 — 19
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