The article dwells on certain aspects of the correlation between the mind units and language units. Addressing the issues of mind in order to investigate the connection between the language units semantics and mental images makes it possible to single out general, individual and culturally marked components of reality cognition. Different approaches to the term image are under consideration. The reconstruction of the mind images that appear to be the result of differently channeled cognition processes has been attempted at. It is suggested that the mind images create a certain basis as soon as they reflect the results of the reality cognition confined within a culture as well as individual interpretation of the perceptual information. This cognitive basis serves in turn as a foundation for the image of the world, and a motivating ground for the language units semantics. Imagery may be treated as one of the ways of reality conceptualization.
Keywords: mind images, perceptual information, cognitive basis, imagery
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Issue: 3, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 73 — 78
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