The epistolary forms which entered a context of “The Moscow magazine” and “The Bulletin of Europe” are considered as an embodiment of the concept of N. M. Karamzin – the publisher, as a reprezentant of his creative method. N. M. Karamzin actively develops poetics of the private, friendly letter in the journalistic and publishing practice, thus the poetics of epistolary publications in Karamzin magazines is conformable to poetics of his private letters. In magazines, also as well as in private letters, estimates and judgments of the publisher, his image itself organize reader’s perception, play a sample role, immerse in the Karamzin sphere of spiritual and intellectual aspirations. The letter as a plot forming element of Karamzin magazines allowed their publisher to come into direct contact with the reader, and “someone else’s” letters became remarks in the dialogue organized by the publisher, a reason for publishing reflections. The letter becomes an ideal form of creation of the addressee – the reader of the magazine as in it the behavioural standard is formed. Certain dynamics of epistolary poetics from “The Moscow magazine” to “the Bulletin of Europe” is noted. The conclusion is that the epistolary is the major esthetic category, it in many respects causes deep internal unity of editions of N. M. Karamzin.
Keywords: epistolary form, magazine, N. M. Karamzin, “The Moscow magazine”, “Bulletin of Europe”
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Issue: 3, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 102 — 108
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