The article analyzes the peculiarities of the development of the Ryazan region in the late XVIII – early XIX century, as reflected in art and documentary literature of this period. On the example of the memoir notes of S. P. Zhikhareva, Y. P. Polonsky, S. T. Slavutinsky and travel notes of V. A. Saltykov considers the image of the province, recreated in the text when describing the life and culture of the nobility of the province of Ryazan. Works of art and documentary literature contain interesting material and multilateral representatives of the Ryazan nobility, status of education and training, theatre arts in the provincial environment of the Enlightenment.
Keywords: Ryazan region, art and non-fiction, memoir notes, travel notes, the age of Enlightenment, provincial culture, noble estate
1. Slavutinsky S. T. General Izmaylov i ego dvorniya (Ocherk pomeshcich’ego byta pervoy chetverti nyneshnego stoletiya) [General Izmailov and his servants (the essay on the life of the landlords of the fi rst quarter of the current century)]. Selivanov I. V., Slavutinski S. T. Iz provintsial’noy zhizni [From provincial life]. Moscow, Sovremennik Publ., 1985 (in Russian). URL: http://lib.ru/Классика (accessed 19.07.2015).
2. Zhikharev S. P. Zapiski sovremennika. Vospominaniya starogo teatrala: v 2 t. T. 1 [Contemporary notes. Memories of the old theatre-goer: In 2 volumes, vol. 1]. Lenigrad, Iskusstvo Publ., 1989. 311 p. (in Russian).
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4. Polonsky Ya. P. Starina i moye detstvo [The past and my childhood]. Polonsky Ya. P. Proza [Ya. P. Polonsky Prose]. Moscow, Sovetskaya Rossiya Publ., 1988 (in Russian). URL: http://lib.ru/Классика (accessed 19.07.2015).
5. Saltykov A. V. Zapiski puteshestvennika v Sareptu [Notes of a traveller in Zarephath]. Pamiatnik otechestvennykh muz [The monument of Russian muses]. St. Petersburg, Tipografi ya A. Smirdina Publ., 1897. Pp. 47–80 (in Russian).
6. Zhikharev S. P. Zapiski sovremennika. Vospominaniya starogo teatrala: v 2 t. T. 1 [Contemporary notes. Memories of the old theatre-goer: In 2 volumes, vol. 2]. Lenigrad, Iskusstvo Publ., 1989. 525 p. (in Russian).
7. Slovar’ russkikh generalov, uchastnikov boevykh deystviy protiv armii Napoleona Bonaparta v 1812–1815 gg. [Dictionary of Russian generals, the combatants against the army of Napoleon Bonaparte in 1812–1815]. Rossiyskiy arkhiv. T. VII [Russian archives. T. VII]. Moscow, Studio “TRITE” M. Mikhalkova Publ., 1996. Pp. 406 (in Russian).
8. Dramaticheskiy slovar’, ili Pokazaniya po alfavitu vsekh rossiyskikh teatral’nykh sochineniy i perevodov, s oznacheniem imen izvestnykh sochiniteley, perevodchikov i slagateley muzyki, kotorye kogda byli predstavleny na teatrakh, i gde, i v kotoroye vremiya napechatany. V pol’zu lyubyashchikh teatral’nyya predstavleniya [Drama dictionary, or alphabetical registration of all Russian theatrical works and translations, with the meaning of names of famous writers, translators and composers, which were presented at the theatres, and where, and at what time printed. In favor of loving theatrical performances]. Moscow, Tipografi ya A. A. Annenkova Publ., 1787. P. 4 (in Russian).
9. Klimakov K. L., Slavskiy V. I. 175 let Ryazanskomu oblastnomu dramaticheskomu teatru [175 years of the Ryazan regional drama theatre]. Ryazan, 1963. P. 4 (in Russian).
Issue: 3, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 109 — 115
Downloads: 882