The article deals with the peculiarities of formation of linguistic competence (degree of native language) of students with disabilities. Children with disabilities have special educational opportunities and needs identified by psycho-pedagogical characteristics of this group of students. The characteristics of inclusive teaching space, including the risks potentially associated with formation of linguistic competence of students with disabilities. The process of formation of the linguistic competence of students of all categories, including the disabilities is based on the formation of their complex knowledge of the language as a system consisting of certain levels and corresponding to these unit-level representation of how language system develops and functions, what are the factors conditional on the national specifics of the language. Specificity of finding children with disabilities linguistic competence and its further improvement is determined by a complex of factors. First, of course, are affected by some of the internal contradictions inherent in the phenomenon of inclusion having a medico-social ontological essence. Secondly, the situation with the education of children with disabilities may present certain psychological risks. Thirdly, the inclusive approach in education can be restricted by inadequate resourcing: personnel, logistics, software methodical and finally financial. The urgency of the issues raised in the study is caused by a sharp decline in cognitive and motivational interest of students in general to the problems of language culture, as well as the problems associated with the organization and implementation of the educational process in an integrated (inclusive) basis. In the function of linguodidactic material is presented modified fragment of the adapted program of the Russian language for disabled students of the 6th grade (see “Noun”).
Keywords: competence, linguistic competence, students with disabilities, inclusive education
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Issue: 3, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 96 — 101
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