The prosecutor’s office in the Tuva National Republic (TNR) has been formed in 1935. Formation of bodies of prosecutor’s office took place during the difficult historical period: very low educational level of the population and total absence of legal personnel. The legislation only arose and was imperfect. The work of prosecutor’s office was provided by only four persons. “To guard legality” was not only difficult, but also life-threatening. So, the first prosecutor Kara-Sal Pirinley has been shot for refusal to approve arrest of a number of heads of the Tuva state due to the lack of the sufficient bases. Voluntarily TNR was a part of the USSR in 1944 as the autonomous region. Bodies of prosecutor’s office should not just construct the work according to new Soviet laws, and to provide their uniform application in all its territory and by that to promote its economic development. Tuva was agrarian area. In this regard activity of prosecutor’s office has been directed generally to check of a state and storage conditions of agricultural stock in state farms and collective farms, in machine and tractor stations and the tozhzemakh (associations on joint processings of the earth). At detection of cases of the thriftless relation to their storage, damage and plunder, measures were taken: disciplinary character on the party line and criminal prosecution. Quality of work of prosecutors and investigators were checked by «audits» during which were studied the conditions of work, «political qualities» of the worker, the positive and negative sides of work of employees, thier mistakes came to light. The prosecutor of the region personally checked the compromising materials for workers, implementation of separate orders, carried out complex inspections of regional prosecutor’s offices. As archival documents testify, there was severe criticism, but in prosecutor’s office, and in the public the management tried to keep authority of both the institute of prosecutor’s office, and his workers. The mission of prosecutor’s office owing to features of the Tuva statehood has initially been connected with a number of the problems connected with a social and economic development of the region, insufficient financing and providing material resources of bodies of prosecutor’s office, shortage of qualified personnel, poor quality of work of employees, the rights caused by weak knowledge of branches. However historical experience of Tuva shows that the need for such government body as prosecutor’s office, with inherent only to it tasks, functions and powers, was especially sharp and was applied as the effective tool of the adoption of development of the public relations, as an indispensable development tool of the Tuva statehood.
Keywords: prosecutor’s office, Tuva Autonomous Region, Constitution, Procurator General of the USSR, regional prosecutor, district attorney, regional prosecutor, agriculture, surveillance
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Issue: 5, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 151 — 158
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