The appeal to the problem of formation of research competences of future teachers of mathematics is connected with the changing requirements of modern society to the teacher, as well as with the specifics of the subject “Mathematics”. When organizing and planning the process of teaching mathematics to students in the format of modern standards the teacher uses research knowledge, skills and abilities. Therefore, the process of vocational training of pedagogical university students should contribute to the formation of these characteristics. This requires the implementation of design of the process of formation of research skills of pedagogical university students. As a result of this work the author developed a structural-functional model of formation of these competencies. We distinguish and characterize the components of the model.
Keywords: future teacher of mathematics, research competence, structural-functional model, components of the model, didactic principles and conditions of formation
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Issue: 4, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 65 — 69
Downloads: 1008