The article deals with the problems of forming European space of higher education within the limits of Bologna process. The author comes to the conclusion that qualification levels of higher education conform to Bologna model in 37 oui of 48 countries. It is noted that only in 10 countries the basic principles of Bologna process are registered on a legislative level. The author points out definite circumstances which in the course of realizing Bologna process can exert direct negative influence on Russian higher education system. It is proposed to form an alternative Euro-Asian educational system of CIS and Baltic countries and to cooperate in the sphere of higher education with countries in Asia and the Pacific region in the BRICS and Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation formats.
Keywords: Bologna process, conferences of ministers responsible for higher education, formation of European space of higher education, mobility of students and professors
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Issue: 4, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 131 — 139
Downloads: 780