The article deals with the foundation and development of underground archeology in Russia. It includes a review of historiography of the researches issue, establishment of the discipline methodology and practical execution of the first underground archeological expeditions. The author uses popular language to emphasize the need to take a more balanced approach to saving the underground cultural heritage in Russia, need to engage only highly qualified specialists in excavations and increasing liability for unlawful excavations at archeological landmarks. It is dedicated to the search and research of underwater archaeological sites identified with the ancient Greek settlement in the northern Black Sea coast of the ancient times. The description of the process of its exploration and colonization is illustrated by the myth of the Argonauts and by different underwater archeological finds. On this basis the author supposes that in XV–XIV centuries b.c. the Black Sea area has been already explored enough by ancient navigators.
Keywords: Underground archology methods, expeditions activities, historiography of research into underground cultural heritage landmarks, EPRON at service of USSR humanitarian science
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Issue: 9, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 9
Pages: 59 — 63
Downloads: 723