Studying of cultural and educational work in camps of GULAG helps to reconstruct scales and chronology of implementation of large production projects, problems at construction of production objects, forms and methods of ideological influence on prisoners, etc. It is possible to reach objectives only in case of critical approach to studying of archival materials and sources of a personal origin. The article investigates the question of real incentives of work of the camps of railway construction (SULZhDS) which was engaged in construction of the Transarctic railroad of Plagues (Vorkuta) concluded in Northern management – Salekhard – Igarka. As a result of the conducted research draws the conclusion that real motivation for prisoners within labor competition as one of the directions of cultural and educational work there was a system of offsets of the working days. Due to the use of the system of “offsets” the high level of interest of the contingent of prisoners in the end results of the work at construction of the Transarctic railroad was provided.
Keywords: Camp newspaper, cultural and educational department, Transarctic railroad, Northern management of camps of railway construction, GULAG
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Issue: 9, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 9
Pages: 64 — 70
Downloads: 812