Considers psycho-pedagogical definitions of concepts “self-determination”, “professional self-determination”, “self-identity” and “competitiveness”; analyzes their targets, vectors, dominant, characteristics and relationship in the context of professional-personal identity of the future specialist during his study at the University. Examines the psychological and pedagogical approaches to the consideration of the nature of the phenomenon of self-determination; the interrelation of the investigated process with the formation of a complex professional and personal qualities – professionalism, projecting a determining condition of the perspective competitiveness of a future specialist. Substantiates the strategic role of personal activity in successful professional and personal self-determination and the growth of the future specialist. Focuses on the potential of professional and personal self-determination as an integral process in the context of the requirements of the Federal state educational standard requirements to the graduates in the current economic and socio-cultural realities.
Keywords: self-determination, competitiveness of a future specialist, professional and personal selfdetermination of the student
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Issue: 9, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 9
Pages: 98 — 102
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