The article reveals the topical issue of formation of professional responsibility of students majoring in Management. The necessity to train professional responsibility in the higher education is caused by social demand. Social marginalization, depreciation of moral standards, puerilism of contemporary youths testify the necessity to train personal qualities that both encourage competitiveness and successful career and regulate social and moral relations. The work also provides the description of foreign and domestic concepts, which reveal the detailed comprehension of responsibility and professional responsibility. The article also focuses on the results of theoretical studies of responsibility in philosophical, physiological, moral aspects which have become the prerequisite to study the pedagogical environment and techniques for professional responsibility training. The author defines professional responsibility as a professional and moral feature that encourages professional activity of the manager. Professional responsibility should be trained in moral oriented pedagogical environment.
Keywords: Responsibility, professional responsibility, professional and moral feature
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Issue: 9, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 9
Pages: 103 — 107
Downloads: 716