Health factor is the priority value in society, and its preservation depends largely on drug supply, the pharmaceutical market of the state. The French pharmaceutical market is one of the largest in the world, it has more than 22.5 thousand pharmacies. The article deals with French pharmaceutical discourse as one of the kinds of institutional discourse, which is a complexly organized multicomponent formation, an interaction of legislative (legal) pharmaceutical discourse (in the field of drug production and trade of medicines), advertising and pharmaceutical discourse, scientific and pharmaceutical discourse, academic (educational) pharmaceutical discourse, media pharmaceutical discourse, commercial pharmaceutical discourse, pharmaceutical proper discourse. The leading role belongs to pharmaceutical proper discourse in the field of professional communication. Within the subgroup of French pharmaceutical discourse, one can find the polyphonic inclusions of historical, medical, chemical, encyclopedic, botanical, social discourses. The complex nature of pharmaceutical discursive discourse gave rise to the variety of genre forms.
Keywords: pharmacy, pharmacist, pharmaceutical discourse, speech genre, drug, drug-store
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Issue: 10, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 10
Pages: 71 — 75
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