The article considers discourse and in particularly speech activity of epistolary media language personality in terms of Internet interaction in the aspect of implementation of the communicative strategy “risks aversion”, the relevant tactics and text units of representation of the latter. The risks, which the native speaker potentially makes himself liable to in the network interactions are evaluated from the ethical and legal points of view. The communicantss’behavior in cyberspace is regulated by both external factors (from government agencies, non-governmental organizations, moderators and site administrators, and so forth.) and by the users themselves. The emphasis is laid on the specific features of epistolary electronic-media texts tby means of which can be solved the problem of full / partial blocking by the addressers the risks associated with violation of the current legislation and the existing moral and ethical standards. Drawing on available sources on the topic of research gthe author presents a list of tactics that contribute to managing risks in public communication: the manifestation of subjectivity, “blackout” of the referent, torn predication, deauthorisation, autor rehabilitation. Implementation of tactics of risk avoiding is seen as an example of open letters’ texts, online-petitions and appeals of citizens to the City Administration’s website. Research perspectives are associated with the identification of dependence of choice of tactics and the appropriate means of expression in the text activity of the addresser according to the genre and stylistic and functional-pragmatic properties of epistolary electronic-media texts of different types.
Keywords: epistolary electronic-media texts, epistolary media language personality, legal risks in verbal communication, communication strategy “risk aversion”, communicative tactics of avoiding risks, legevfemizm, legevfemizatsiya
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Issue: 11, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 11
Pages: 9 — 16
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