The paper deals with the issue of extra-linguistic factors that determine the properties of language units in scientific discourse in general and the category of evidentiality (in Russian, authorization) in particular. Based on the concept of extralinguistic bases of the scientific style developed within the framework of the functional stylistics, it includes a set of primary and secondary style-forming factors. The author focuses on those of them that determine the functioning of the category of evidentiality in scientific discourse. The main distinctive feature of the cognitive-discursive aspect of considering the extralinguistic bases of scientific discourse is the fact that it allows seeing evidentiality not only as a personal psychological reflection of a subject, but also as marking objective cognitive processes taking place in the scientific text and discourse.
Keywords: evidentiality (authorization), scientific discourse, extralinguistic style-forming factors, epistemic situation, subject of scientific activity
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Issue: 11, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 11
Pages: 21 — 26
Downloads: 794