The object of research is a language personality of modern Russian singer and poetess Irina Bogushevskaya. In this article we use definition of the term “language personality” and the three-level mоdel of language personality suggested by Yu. N. Karaulov. We performed the study on the material of the six interviews with I. Bogushevskaya, the texts of which are posted on the website of the radio “Mayak”. As the analysis shows, I. Bogushevskaya has a rich lexicon, uses book and conversational units in her speech, a lot of onyms and words of the thematic group “Music” (the names of musical instruments, musical styles and genres, etc.), as well as tropes and stylistic figures. Through the use of various means of language I. Bogushevskaya reaches at least two purposes implied by the subgenre of “star” interview: informs fans about the new facts in her creative life and awakens interest to her personality and creativity.
Keywords: language personality, I. A. Bogushevskaya, “star” interview
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Issue: 11, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 11
Pages: 42 — 47
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