The object of the study is the scientific and pedagogic ground for developing the translation competence of technical students under the professional retraining program «Translator in the Sphere of Professional Communication». The focus on stylistic figures shows how the competence-oriented approach can be applied in translation teaching. The work aims at formulating theoretical and practical principles of a competence-oriented methodology in translation teaching. The competence-oriented approach to translation teaching proves to be rational. The communicative functional translation model is the scientific basis of the complex pedagogic technology under consideration. This target technology is pragmatic and involves such pedagogic technologies as communicative training, problem-based learning, development of critical thinking, information and communications technologies, pedagogic games, individualization of education, training in cooperation, modular technology. Stylistic figures represent one of the typical translation difficulties and form a separate training module. Covering this module required formulating the aim, objectives and developmental stages, as well as the list of principal figures of speech. Some illustrative examples given prove the dependence of the translation strategy on the type of the source text.
Keywords: competence-oriented methodology in translation teaching, communicative functional translation model, stylistic figures, case-studies, translation strategy, translation transformations
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Issue: 11, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 11
Pages: 109 — 115
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