Thearticle ezamins the principles of compositional construction, plot construction and genre style nature of the first samples of regional hagiographical literature for children. As a rule, children hagiography is oriented towards «mature» canonical biographies. That is why in the analyses of the texts the interrelationship principles between modern hagiographical literature about the Siberian saint – righteous staretz Fedor and canonical biographical texts, put together by Father-Superior Siluan (Viurov) were compared, as well as artistic interpreting strategies of writers were examined. Special attention was given to the analysis of artistic principles used for depiction of the image of Siberia that is an important geographical characteristic feature of Siberian regional literature.
Keywords: hagiography, life, plot, genre, style, composition, image, Siberia
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Issue: 11, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 11
Pages: 153 — 161
Downloads: 716