The article discusses the formation of psychology of literary creative work, especially the initial stage. The formation is considered as an independent research area in Russian and international science. We show that the formation of psychology of creative work in Russia in the last third of 19th century – first half of 20th century was determined by major developments in such areas as theory of literature and scientific psychology. Additional cause of the formation was the specific status of Russian classical literature in social life. In addition, we represent a wide range of points of view, which reflect the dominant approaches to determination of the substantive aspect of the discussed phenomenon. The psychology of literary creative work is defined as a branch of scientific knowledge that studies the processes of the writer’s reflection of reality and the implementation of the processes in a specific art form. The psychology of literary creative work uses the methodological principles of either psychology or other related disciplines such as theory of literature, linguistics, aesthetics, and others. To sum up, the analytical review of articles, devoted to the issue, convincingly demonstrates that the formation of psychology of the literary creative work as a scientific field took place at the junction of various sciences and concerned studies of the creating subject and products of the subject’s activities.
Keywords: creativity, literary creative work, theory of literature, art, writer, psychology, psychology of literary creation, psychoanalysis
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Issue: 11, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 11
Pages: 162 — 169
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