The article considers evaluation of professional competences of teachers in educational organizations. Voluntary certification of teachers’ competences is presented as a tool. The authors offer the model of certification of teachers’ professional competences according to the professional standard of a teacher. The given model defines conceptual, informative, technological, and procedural aspects of certification of teachers’ professional competences in educational organizations of the Russian Federation. The model of teachers’ certification includes three stages: a starting stage, a basic stage, and an expert stage. The stages are defined according to progressive changes of the requirements to the teachers’ professional competences. The authors set directions of certification subject to every stage. These directions specify the requirements to the minimum education degree, the teaching experience, the certification form, the field of use, the results, and the duration of a certificate.
Keywords: competence, certification exam, certification, evaluation of teacher’s professional competences
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Issue: 12, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 12
Pages: 75 — 81
Downloads: 990