The article deals with the problem of selection of active special vocabulary minimum for teaching German to the students of bachelor programmes studying Law. It gives the reason for usage of methodological and a number of linguistic principles of selection of active special lexical units taking into account the specifics of the subject and interdisciplinary language training, linguistic and extra-linguistic features of judicial language. The choice of special vocabulary is based on the analysis of domestic and foreign terminological research in the field of law. The methodical principles are determining in case of the choice of the corresponding types of the original German legal texts acting as a source of basic special vocabulary of the studied branches of law. In case of selection of active special lexicon, first of all, of all-legal, law branches related and interrelated legal terms the linguistic principles are fundamental: semantic, word-formation value and polysemy of lexical units.
Keywords: language of law, special vocabulary, legal terms, legal texts, branches of law
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Issue: 12, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 12
Pages: 136 — 142
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