DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-1-9-16
The article deals with the question of demonstrating teacher’s competency which defines the specificity of a childadult interaction - realization of an open style of pedagogical communication. It demonstrates the results of studying the issue of preschool teachers’ professional difficulties in the sphere of communication with the participants of the educational intercourse. It provides the characteristic of an open style of pedagogical communication in the form of describing emotional and behavioral manifestations of an adult. The most significant in the demonstration of the open pedagogical communication style is the focus of an adult on the needs of a child. The article presents the examples of implementation of the open pedagogical communication style with the focus on the child’s actual needs: the need for love and acceptance; the need for impressions or cognitive need; the need for activity (physical, psychological); the need for cooperation and communication with the others; the need for self-realization and self-presentation. The described in the article manifestation of openness/closedness of children can be used as indicators when organizing children observations with the aim of identification of the sphere of communication difficulties, and for modeling constructive methods of child-adult interaction.
Keywords: child-adult interaction, teacher’s professional competencies, open style of pedagogical communication, preschool education
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Issue: 1, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 9 — 16
Downloads: 1214