DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-1-42-46
This paper addresses the prospects and methodical issues of using video films for the purpose of primary prevention of drug addiction among children and youth. The concept “primary prevention of drug addiction” is studied with regard to its subject-matter. Objectives and tasks of “primary prevention of drug addiction” are determined. Based on the analysis of special literature and socio-pedagogical work the necessity of broadening of primary prevention methods of drug addiction is observed. The use of new sources of information in the work of educational establishments makes possible to consider the video method as one of them. Educational function of this method is caused by high efficiency of use of visual methods. The author presents Tomsk State Pedagogical University’s expertise in compiling a library of video films for primary prevention of drug addiction among teenagers and youth in Tomsk. The principles of work as well as administrational and methodical resourcing for the implementation of the video film library are substantiated. Empirical data reflecting the outcome of efficiency evaluation of the experimental background are presented. The author uses the method of published sources analysis, the expert evaluation method, survey, and a video method for the purpose of this paper.
Keywords: primary prevention of drug addiction, video method, expert evaluation method, video film, video viewing
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Issue: 1, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 42 — 46
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