DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-1-47-50
Despite the considerable number of works devoted to studying of problems of preschool education, the question of value-semantic content of the concept, its specificity and peculiarities of formation to date is poorly understood. Many scientists, researchers for a detailed description of the specifics, typical characteristics and indicate the semantic content of scientific concepts use the term «discourse». Based on the understanding that preschool education is one of the links in the structure of General education can be considered the preschool discourse as an integral part of the educational discourse. Тhe understanding that preschool education is one of the links in the structure of General education can be considered the preschool discourse as an integral part of the educational discourse. Indicated that participants in the contemporary process of preschool education of children with diverse social experience, can broadcast a meaningful value-semantic component of the pedagogical concept of «preschool education». As a result of communication the subject of communication can distort the meaning of scientific concepts. This provision defines the principle position of the author about the need to design pedagogical discourse of future specialists. The inclusion of students – future teachers in practical communicative environment of the subjects of preschool education with the help of quasiprofessional activity will help them identify value-semantic content of preschool education.
Keywords: preschool education, pedagogical discourse, value-semantic content
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Issue: 1, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 47 — 50
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