DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-1-58-63
In the system search of the best opportunities for the development of students pedagogical education defines constructs and techniques of optimal solution of the personality development problems. The paper clarifies the concept of macro-level, mezo-level and micro-level opportunities of pedagogical modeling as a method of pedagogical research and a product of evolution of pedagigical thought in the development of a student’s personality. Reflects the hierarchy of the defined and solved problems of scientific and pedagogical training of teachers, provides the statistics of the use of the method of pedagogical modeling in the resourses of the courses of modern pedagogy studying. Pedagogical modeling in this study is defined as a method of scientific and pedagogical research, means of creation of pedagogical innovations and pedagogical constructs, technologies and techniques, forms and other pedagogically conditioned structures, determination of functions and pedagogical conditions, trends and constraints, and other constituents of scientific research in modern pedagogy. One of the most important tasks of secondary and vocational schools is the problem of verification of education quality in the model of age congruity and personification. This problem implies emergence of adaptive knowledge and adaptive pedagogical software for the study of the courses of modern scientific and pedagogical knowledge. In the constructs of pedagogical modeling defines the optimal pedagogical conditions of quality of involvement of the future teacher in the process of scientific research and pedagogical use of modeling in solving the problems of development and cooperation. Presents the features of future teachers’ training in the use of the scientific and pedagogical research and work in the RISC (Russian Science Citation Index). The quality of such practice depends on the quality of involvement of the future teacher in the system of scientific research and the productive formation in the model of implementation of professional functions.
Keywords: pedagogical modeling, scientific research in pedagogy, modeling of the conceptual apparatus of modern pedagogy, teaching methodology, technology of system-pedagogical modeling, self-dependent living activities culture of the individual
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Issue: 1, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 58 — 63
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